A lone journey to neverland

It's just a long journey of being without anyone, but none other only with myself.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The end of lone journey?

do i feel like my lone journey will end?
when night is filled with stars
and the morning is cooled with the dew

i feel like the journey is just a bit merry
with your footprints all over behind me
but then i seem to see no one around me

and when the night filled with stars
and the morning cooled with the dew
should i feel that my lone journey will end

or is it just another shadowed trip
to where loneness
is but the happiest merry on earth ever be?

*i fear of this accompaniment, when loneness has been my best friend. i seek for the conscience in me, it replies none. it seems to enjoy no more of the loneness. does it?*