A lone journey to neverland

It's just a long journey of being without anyone, but none other only with myself.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

How can i miss you if you never go away?

"now i m like you back when i was still in that cold island,
stuck to my computer twice a day,
to see if some news (good or bad, all the same)
are sent through this wonderful binary system of the technology.

i just want to enjoy this good feeling, while it still lasts."

tumben bisa missed somebody...
kalau missed pacar sich biasa,missed gw?
wah.. itu kabar baru."

how can i miss u if you never go away?

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A letter from a friend

to be honest and frank,
memang banyak pekerjaan rumah bagimu,
begitu hasil penglihatan sok tahuku,
sekali melihat melampaui yang ada di bola matamu...heheheh,
kayak bola ajaib, penolakan-penolakan,
pemberontakan-pemberontakan yang melambangkan konflik
antara heteronomy dan autonomi yang belum terselesaikan,
if not to say disproportionate...hahaha,
saya juga bingung menyebut istilahnya...
lebih gampangnya...memang banyak yang belum bisa kamu terima,
padahal jelas-jelas ngga bisa diubah selain diterima dulu.

College Park, Maryland

Suddenly i felt lonelier
but what is a friend if not to show you the road to loneliness
so that you can cerish happiness more...
Yet, when is that be?